
A step by step tutorial that will teach you the fundamentals of building and maintaining a project with Wrapt.

What are We Building?

Let's say that we want to create an application to manage recipes. We're going to call it CarbonKitchen and it should start out by storing recipes and their associated ingredients.

Creating a Template File

As we discussed in the basics, we need to start out by building a barebones yaml or json file to lay out what we want our API to look like. This file is going to descibe how we want to our API to start out and then we can add additional features and logic afterward. You can find the details for each of the properties we're working with in the Template File section of the docs, but let's start building it out.

Solution and Database Setup

We're going to start out by creating a new yaml file and adding a SolutionName of 'CarbonKitchen.Api' and a basic DbContext that will run on SqlServer.

SolutionName: CarbonKitchen.Api
 ContextName: CarbonKitchenDbContext
 DatabaseName: CarbonKitchen
 Provider: SqlServer

Entity Setup

Then I'm going to add in my 'Recipe' and 'Ingredient' Entities with a variety of properties based on my requirements. Be sure to check the entity properties page to see what's required and what defaults are used, but it's built to be as minimal as possible.

SolutionName: CarbonKitchen.Api
 ContextName: CarbonKitchenDbContext
 DatabaseName: CarbonKitchen
 Provider: SqlServer
- Name: Recipe
  - Name: RecipeId
    IsPrimaryKey: true
    Type: int
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Title
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Directions
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: RecipeSourceLink
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Description
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: ImageLink
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
- Name: Ingredient
  - Name: IngredientId
    IsPrimaryKey: true
    Type: int
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: RecipeId
    Type: int?
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Name
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Unit
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Amount
    Type: double?
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true

Optional Environment and Swagger Setup

Now I'm going to add in a few environments as well as some Swagger documentation. Both of these are optional, but good to have.

SolutionName: CleanCarbonKitchen.Api
 ContextName: CarbonKitchenDbContext
 DatabaseName: CarbonKitchen
 Provider: SqlServer
- Name: Recipe
  - Name: RecipeId
    IsPrimaryKey: true
    Type: int
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Title
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Directions
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: RecipeSourceLink
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Description
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: ImageLink
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
- Name: Ingredient
  - Name: IngredientId
    IsPrimaryKey: true
    Type: int
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: RecipeId
    Type: int?
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Name
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Unit
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Amount
    Type: double?
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
- Name: ShoppingListItem
  - Name: ShoppingListItemId
    IsPrimaryKey: true
    Type: int
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Amount
    Type: double?
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Name
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Category
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Unit
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Acquired
    Type: bool?
    DefaultValue: false
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Hidden
    Type: bool?
    DefaultValue: false
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: ShoppingListId
    Type: int?
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - EnvironmentName: Production
    ConnectionString: "Data Source=myprodserver;Initial Catalog=CarbonKitchen;Integrated Security=True;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;"
    ProfileName: Prod
  - EnvironmentName: Qa
    ConnectionString: "Data Source=myqaserver;Initial Catalog=CarbonKitchen;Integrated Security=True;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;"
    ProfileName: Qa
  Title: Carbon Kitchen
  Description: Our API uses a REST based design, leverages the JSON data format, and relies upon HTTPS for transport. We respond with meaningful HTTP response codes and if an error occurs, we include error details in the response body. API Documentation is at carbonkitchen.com/dev/docs
    Name: Carbon Kitchen
    Email: devsupport@CarbonKitchen.com
    Url: https://www.carbonkitchen.com

Creating a New API

Now that we've put together our basic API layout, let's actually build our project. To start, make sure you've followed the install instructions. Then, open Command Prompt, Powershell, Terminal, etc. and cd to whatever directory you want to create your project repository in. Finally, we can literally just run one command:

craftsman new:api C:\Users\Paul\Documents\WraptTemplates\NewCarbonKitchen.yaml

Note that the filepath here should match wherever you saved your yaml file.

Once that's done, Craftsman will have added an entire API for you in whatever directory you ran this in. Check out the project architecture and organization page for more details.

Using Your API

Now you can cd into your project directory and run dotnet run --project webapi and your API is up and running with no boilerplate in sight 🥳

Adding a New Entity

But hold on, we have this existing project, but what if we wanted to create a new entity to capture shopping list items so that we can add ingredients we need for our grocery outing? All we need to do is create another yaml or json file that describes this new entity. Something like this:

- Name: ShoppingListItem
  - Name: ShoppingListItemId
    IsPrimaryKey: true
    Type: int
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Amount
    Type: double?
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Name
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Category
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true
  - Name: Unit
    Type: string
    CanFilter: true
    CanSort: true

Then, we can add that entity to our project using the add:entity command:

craftsman add:entity C:\Users\Paul\Documents\WraptTemplates\ShoppingListEntity.yaml

Adding a New Property

Now what if we wanted to add a new property to determine whether or not that shopping list item has been acquired and put into our cart. There's a command for that too! And we don't even need a file this time!

Let's say we wanted to add a nullable boolean called 'Acquired' that can be filtered and sorted. We could do something like this:

craftsman add:property --entity ShoppingListItem --name Acquired --type bool? --filter true -sort true

We could also use shorthand and do something like this:

craftsman add:property -e ShoppingListItem -n Acquired -t bool? -f true -s true


Great! Now I have my API, but I want to add some custom business logic. Maybe I want to do some special operation in the recipe repository when I'm adding something new or add another endpoint to manage ingredients in batch. This is all completely doable! For details, see the page on customizing Wrapt projects.