Add Entity Command

Adds a new entity and all associated files to your project.

Add Entity Command

This command can add one or more new entities to your Wrapt project using a formatted yaml or json file. The input file uses a simplified format from the new:api command that only requires a list of one or more entities.

The Command

craftsman add:entity [options] <filepath>


filepathThe full filepath for the yaml or json file that lists the new entities that you want to add to your API.


-h, --helpDisplay help message. No filepath is needed to display the help message.

Example Commands

craftsman add:entity -h
craftsman add:entity C:\fullpath\newentity.yaml
craftsman add:entity C:\fullpath\newentity.yml
craftsman add:entity C:\fullpath\newentity.json

Example File

First, you'll want to create a yaml or json file that describes the new entity. This is pretty much the same as the file we made for our new:api command, but now, the only required section is the Entities section. Just create a list of one or more entities, and you're good to go. For example:

  - Name: Supplier
      - Name: SupplierId
        IsPrimaryKey: true
        Type: int
        CanFilter: true
        CanSort: true
      - Name: Name
        Type: string
        CanFilter: true
        CanSort: true
      - Name: EmployeeCount
        Type: int?
        CanFilter: true
        CanSort: true
      - Name: CreationDate
        Type: datetime?
        CanFilter: true
        CanSort: true
      - Name: SupplierType
        Type: int?
        CanFilter: true
        CanSort: true

Using the Command

To actually add the entity, you'll want to cd into whatever directory your API solution is located at.

cd C:\MyFull\RepoPath\Here

Then, we just need to add our yaml or json path to our craftsman add:entity command:

craftsman add:entity C:\Users\Paul\Documents\ApiConfigs\supplier-entity.yaml