
Details on the Serilog logging implementation in Wrapt projects.

Wrapt Serilog Implementation

Serilog is added by default to all Wrapt APIs for easy logging. This includes Console and Seq sinks logging by default in Development. If there is enough interest and input down the road, I may add some prebuilt configurations for other environments, but for now, non-Development environments will need to add whatever logging you're interested in to their respective appsettings files. Regardless, some manual updates will likely be needed regardless as there are just too many options to create a whole API on top of Serilog 🙂

Working with Seq

Wrapt sets up Seq on the default port of 5341 in the local Development Startup. The simplest approach for this is running a docker script, usually something along the lines of ``. For more details, please check out the Seq documentation.

Additional Serilog Resources